Largest Hy-Vee Store in the United States is Now Open
Hy-Vee's newest store opened last week (June 13). It's described as a "totally reimagined grocery store" and the biggest in the country.

The Hy-Vee opened its doors at 6 a.m. to a big line.
The new Hy-Vee is 135,000 square feet (more than 3 acres) and is the largest store the company has ever opened. Just take a look at this place...
The "Food Hall" is below. Choices include Mia Italian, HyChi and Hibachi, Nori Sushi, Market Grille Express, Long Island Deli, and Wahlburgers.
There's even a pub with 32 taps and an outdoor patio.
It almost looks like a city inside a building and perhaps that's the perfect description. In addition to what you saw in the photos above, there's a 6,300-square-foot Aisles Online grocery delivery and pickup service, plus a 4,250-square-foot Hy-Vee Fast & Fresh next door.
The Hy-Vee store itself has approximately 120,000 items, including 3,500 items of fresh produce. Inside there's a Starbucks, a full-service bakery, dry cleaning, a delicatessen, a meat counter, a seafood counter, fresh produce, and floral and gift shop departments. There's also a Candy Shoppe department with premium, novelty, and nostalgic items and a huge Hy-Vee Wine and Spirits department.
The massive new Hy-Vee is located in Gretna, Nebraska, just over 20 miles southwest of Omaha. Hy-Vee says they "invested more than $37 million in the community to build, furnish, and stock the grocery store." It employs 128 people full-time, with another 500 part-time jobs. The store is open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. There are now 307 Hy-Vee stores in eight Midwestern states.
You can take a look inside the Gretna store in the video below.