Are You Riding Your Motorcycle This Minnesota + Wisconsin Winter?
Obviously in the Twin Ports we haven't had much of a winter. While it hurts certain businesses and hasn't been great for many of the normal outdoor winter activities like fishing and snowmobiling, I've enjoyed it.

Today while typing this, I saw a motorcycle pull-up and park in Downtown Duluth and am very tempted to head home and hop on mine for a short blast, but I probably won't.
I'm not some total fair-weather rider by any means, and it's not the temps or even some salt on the roads that concern me.
For me, it's all of the sand and other road grime. I've had some close calls getting the bikes out too early because I just had to ride. Usually, it was when I took a corner and the rear tire slide out, having to brake quickly and the bike keeps sliding, or putting my feet down at a stop.
I consider myself a pretty decent rider, but I suppose I'm at the point in my life where I can be patient and wait until the roads are at least mostly cleared off to hop on the hog.
It doesn't mean I'm not Jonesing for it, but for the amount of time I'll actually ride, for me, it's just not worth the extra risk. More power to you though if you've been out throughout this not so winter season we've been having. Part of me wishes I was more like you!