It’s Amazing How Much More It Costs to Grill Out in Minnesota in 2022

If you fired up the grill over the 4th of July holiday weekend, did you realize just how much more we're all paying this year here in Minnesota?
We've all heard about how much inflation is up here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes and across the country this year. According to this Pew Research story, the inflation rate in May was 8.1 percent-- the highest it's been since 1981.
Of course, we don't need Pew Research to tell us that, do we? We can see just how much higher prices are for many things we use on a daily or weekly basis. Like gasoline, for instance, which AAA-Minnesota says is still hovering around $4.66 a gallon here in the North Star State, and is a painful reminder every time we drive by a convenience store.
And, now a new report from the crew over at cookoutnews.com just ran down how much more we're all paying when we fire up the grill. It's just not summer in Minnesota until you toss something on the grill, right? So whether you've already done some grilling out this year, or are still going to, check out how much an 'average' cookout costs here in Minnesota in 2022:
Cookoutnews.com used the following prices to compile a typical plate of food you'd get at a cookout, then multiplied them by 10, which they figured was an average amount of people who might be at a Minnesota get-together this summer.
Hamburger buns (2 packages of 8) - $3.12
Hot dog buns (2 packages of 8) - $3.12
3 lbs ground beef (for at least ten 4 oz burgers) - $15.48
1 lb cookies - $4.51
2 packs of hotdogs - $5.60
16 oz bag of potato chips - $5.46
32 oz of baked beans - $3.28
1 lb tomatoes - $1.90
1 lb lettuce - $2.99
1 lb American cheese - $3.83
2 lbs of potato salad - $7.98
2 pints of strawberries - $4.86
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream - $4.42
Ketchup & mustard - $1.99
1 lb onion - $1.29
Two, 2 liters of soda - $3.98
The total here in Minnesota (and throughout the Midwest) was a whopping $73.81. The good news it that's the cheapest total when compared to other parts of the country. However, it's about 17 percent MORE than we paid for those same items in 2021, according to the National Farm Bureau.
Add in the higher cost of gas it likely cost you to drive to that summer cookout (unless you're hosting, that is) as well as the higher cost of an adult beverage (or two), and it's no wonder our paychecks don't seem to last as long anymore. (Did you get a 17 percent raise last year? Yeah, me neither...)
And it's not just prices at the grocery store that are up, keep scrolling to see how much more we're all paying for fast food prices here in 2022, as well.
Fast Food Prices Are Going Up in 2022
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