If You Owned A Cannabis Store, What Would You Call It?
There has been a lot of talk in the region about legalizing recreational cannabis. Although it seems Minnesota will drag it's feet on this, there is always the possibility of someday cannabis stores popping up.
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So I was thinking the other night, what if when I retired I just opened a cannabis store. I would hope it would be legal by that time. Anyway, what would be a great, catchy name for a cannabis store?
I did some research and found these and some are pretty clever.
- Healthy High
- Happy Herbal
- Relief Leaf
- The Good Doctor
- Green Out
- The Sticky Dojo
- Eddies Edibles
- Zen Medicine
- The Frosted Doobie
- Weedy Treats
- Cannabis Yes
- High Noon Harvest
- Hello Harvest
- Luscious Leaves
- Scientific Serenity
- Mellow Green
- Weed World
- Put That In your Pipe
- Smoke It
- The Leafy Lover
- Think Green
- Warrior Weed
- Reefer Madness
- Weed Galore
- Weed Wednesdays
- Weed Workdays
- Work High
- Weed Wonderland
- Cannabis Collectors
- Pot Playground
- Edifying Edibles
- Mary Jane Lane
- Brownie Bonus
- Purple Tea
- Better Buds
- Beautiful Bud
- Green Machine
- The Calm Leaf
- City Leaves
- Sweet Bud
- Taste Bud
- BudPals
- GreenFresh
- NewLeaf
- Mary Jane High
- Joint Jungle
- Joint Jerusalem
- Pot Pals
- Pot People
- Cafe Chronicles
- Good Neighbor Dispensary
- Family Drug Mart
- Lifeshave Dispensary
- Rejuvva Drugs
- Union Center Dispensary
- Better You
- Express Food & Dispensary
- First Hill Dispensary
- Gem Drugs
- New Era
- Pride Dispensary
- Reliable Dispensary
- Sunwest
- Thrifty Way Dispensary
- Wellfresh
- Welltrack
- Acculife Drug Stores
A lot of these names I'm pretty sure they came up with after sampling a little product. If you were ever in the position of owning a cannabis store, what would you name it?
On a final note, come on Minnesota, get with the times!

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