Here’s What You Can Do With All Those Gift Cards You Don’t Want
Might be weird to some of you to read that title, but just hear me out a second.
Christmas is a magical, but also extremely stressful time of year. On top of finishing up any projects at work, getting all the groceries and cleaning up the house for any incoming visitors during the holidays, you still have to find time to do the shopping for everyone!
And let's be real here: Not every gift is going to be a home run.
That's why gift card are so common these days. They're simple and easy to get... but sometimes even then they miss their intended mark. That's why if it's a gift card you're not going to use, whatever you do don't let it go to waste!
Here are some ways to get something back for it:
There's several online gift card selling sites you can use like CardPool, CardCash and Raise. They all have special deals to put those cards to good use, even if it's not by you.
Another option you may not have thought of is Target. They'll let you bring in a gift card for a major brand and exchange it for a Target gift card! Both Rochester stores participate in the exchange program, but you can also search here for any more that offer it in your area.
And lastly, you can always donate or even re-gift it! Pay it forward and pass it on to someone who's fallen on hard times or in need. It'll make your heart feel full and help them when they're in need of a break.
Looking for something fun to do this New Years? Minnesota Children's Museum Rochester is having its 5th annual Noon Year’s Eve Family Party on Sunday December 31, at the museum. Or you can grab your friends and ring in the new year at one of these other fun events in Rochester!
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