Here’s What to Expect When You Get a Covid Vaccine
Tuesday evening at 5:30, I was standing in line at Centracare South on Clearwater road, waiting to get checked in to get my first of two doses of the Moderna Covid vaccine.
I arrived at 515 pm. I was in line for maybe 5 minutes before I was quickly talking with the person verifying my identity, confirming my appointment, and asking me questions about any possible current Covid exposures.

Once I answered a few questions, She handed me a form to read, which contained all the information about my Covid-19 vaccine, and what to expect as possible side effects, Covid symptoms, masks and socially distancing after the vaccine, as well as a fact sheet that explained what Covid-19 actually is, and what I needed to know before I received the vaccine. It gave me a list of all the ingredients that are in the vaccine, where my vaccination information will be recorded and much more. After you read all this information, you can make the decision based on that knowledge, if you want to continue with the process of getting the vaccine; for example, if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the vaccine, you SHOULD NOT get the vaccine.
They also gave me a card, that I need to keep on my person that shows that I've had my first vaccine.
After receiving this information, she had me proceed to a large room, where a very nice woman was seating people after she would fully spray and disinfect a sitting area, and giving me further instruction.
Once you read all the information and completed the forms, she had me stand so she would know I was ready to move on to the next person, who scheduled my 2nd vaccine, before I moved on to the vaccination room.
I stood in line for about 2 minutes before I was called in and asked a few more questions from a nice gentleman who took me to my nurse Rosa.
Rosa also verified my identity, and then chatted with me about what to expect as side effects, and also about the best way to get the shot. She had me shake my arm a little, and the stand and slouch my shoulders forward. She then gave me the shot. Sometimes shots can be painful, but this one was not. there was just a tiny pinch when she gave me the shot. There was no after pain.
Rosa wanted me to invite everyone to get their shots by calling 320.200.3200. It was so easy, so quick, and she was so friendly.
Once I was done, she had me sit in a waiting area for 15 minutes, self timed, just to make sure there were no side effects. There were not.
Rosa also gave me a form that allowed me to register for something called V-Safe. V-Safe will let you report how you feel every few hours. It's a smartphone based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check ins after you get your vaccination. You can quickly tell CDC if you have any side effects, and depending on your answers, someone from CDC may call and check on you. Plus, by participating, you are helping keep the COVID 19 vaccines safe. It doesn't cost a thing.
Today is Thursday. I have had no redness or itching around the injection site. My arm is a bit sore, like I just got done working out. Drinking a lot of water is recommended before and after getting your shot; and since I drink over 100 ounces of water a day, this could be why I didn't have any problems.
I was truly impressed with the efficiency and determination for accuracy and education about the vaccine. Call the number that Rosa gave me, and schedule your vaccine today. Let's beat this thing.
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