Have You Noticed We’re Gaining A Lot Of Daylight?
My husband and I have been overjoyed with all of the sunlight we've been having later and later into the evening. In fact, each night, one of us will proclaim, "it's 5:30 p.m. and it's still light out!!" Then, the other one will cheer.

This has been our nightly routine for about a week now. Maybe you've been doing the same thing in your household (or not). The weather has been pretty awful lately, so the extra daylight in the evening has been a ray of sunshine for us to focus on (pun intended).
If you're wondering, central Minnesota has been gaining 2 minutes of daylight each evening since January, according to Google. The sun won't officially set until 5:47 p.m. tonight. That's almost 6 p.m. In fact, starting on Friday, February 26th, the sun will start setting in the 6 o'clock hour.
if you really want to get excited and need some good news in your life right now, daylight savings time is less than a month away. Starting on Sunday, March 14th, we'll fast forward our clocks ahead one hour. That means the sun will start setting in the 7 p.m. hour. On March 15th, the sun won't go down until 7:23 p.m.
So, what we're really trying to say here is, we just need to get through the next two or three weeks and then spring will be right around the corner. It's easy to forget when temperatures are this cold. We can do it, Minnesota!
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