What’s Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookie? [POLL]
It's not a holiday season, but it is an annual event that millions of people across the United States look forward to each year - Girl Scout cookie sale season. A tasty tradition, everyone has a favorite, and I want to know yours! Personally, I'm partial to the Thin Mints and Lemonades. Take the poll and let me know which is your favorite!
Beginning February 11, more than 21,500 Girl Scouts throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin will be selling Girl Scout cookies. The program teaches goal setting, money management, encourages people skills, and business ethics and the money raised is used to take field trips, attend camp, and work toward goals including community projects.
Courtesy of the Girl Scouts of the USA, here is a bit of history. The Girl Scouts began in 1912 and five years later in 1917, the sales of cookies began. In the 1920s, a cookie recipe ran in the American Girl magazine, but it was in the 1930s that commercially baked, and not homemade cookies, began being sold. By the 1950s it was common to see Girl Scouts selling cookies at malls, and in the '60s, in order to preserve freshness, the boxes came printed in aluminum foil or cellophane. In the '90s awards were introduced for sales, and in the 2000s the packaging was changed to brighter boxes.
To find cookies for sale near you, use the Girl Scout cookie finder.