Forest Lake Teachers Create Anti-Vape Video
You have got to give these teachers from Forest Lake a huge high-five for their creativity in this video. They saw the posters and other materials warning about the dangers of vaping, and heard the comments that they are boring, not relevant enough to keep kids' attention.
Enter Genise Brothers, an 8th grade science teacher with the Forest Lake schools, who thought the message needed a bit more. She, and her husband Joey Peters, along with other staff members used the hit song from the 1990s, Bel Biv Devoe's "Poison" to update the message about the dangers and toxins in vaping materials.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; vaping is associated with lung injury. There have been over 2,000 cases of probable lung injury cases and 42 deaths, including some right here in Minnesota.
While the original song predates the students the video was targeted to, it is still making waves.
She and her husband remixed the record to “Poison,” which debuted to students Wednesday. The five-minute video shows staff dancing on top of tables and Brothers rapping about the toxins in e-cigarettes. She said the video took about a month to put together.
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