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Hastings, MN (KROC-AM News) - A Farmington man has been sentenced to more than 30 years in prison for murdering his grandmother.

42-year-old Timothy Steele was found guilty of second-degree murder in November of last year through a bifurcated trial during which he admitted to the slaying but argued he should be found not guilty by reason of mental illness. The second phase of the trial was held in late February and the judge issued a ruling on April 1 that rejected his mental illness defense.

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The murder occurred in October 2015. A news release from the Dakota County Attorney's Office indicates Farmington police responded to a 911 call for medical assistance and found Steele sitting on the couch. He then informed the officers that he had killed his grandmother by striking her on the head with a hammer 7 to 8 times.

The criminal proceedings in the case were delayed because Steele was initially found to be incompetent to stand trial. He is currently being held at the St. Peter State Security Hospital where he is receiving mental health treatment. His sentencing order says he will remain there until it is determined that "he is more appropriately placed" in a state prison.

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