Faribault’s Armbruster to be Honored by Minnesota Twins
Minnesota Ms. Softball 2019 McKayla Armbruster will be throwing out the first pitch for Wednesday's Minnesota Twins game against the Chicago White Sox at Target Field. The right handed pitcher from Faribault led the state in strikeouts the past two seasons.
The 2019 graduate will be playing at Minnesota State Mankato this fall. Armbruster led the Falcons to the 2018 State Class 3A Championship. Her dad is Jesse Armbruster a teacher and Head Wrestling Coach at Faribault High School. Jesse was also a coach for the Falcon softball team for many seasons.
Jesse asked me with a smile on his face what pitch she should throw. I replied her out pitch. The riser with the underhanded whip action seen in fastpitch softball.
Game time is 12:10 p.m. and McKayla will throw out the first pitch a little before Noon.
If you go to the game the Armbrusters would like to take a large group photo between the second and third innings near the flag by Gate 34 ( Right Field Plaza behind Sections 136-138).
McKayla has pitched before some big crowds but nothing close to what she will see at Target Field Wednesday.
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