Emergency Shelters Open in Southern Minnesota
It's possible that some residents of Southern Minnesota may have to wait until sometime this weekend to have power restored to their homes. As a result a number of shelters have opened up for those without power and or heat.
The National Guard Armory in Owatonna is open. Cots and blankets will be provided. You're asked to bring your own personal hygiene items,medications and a pillow. Ellendale area residents may go to the United Methodist Church on Ellendale's west side.
Dodge County which like Freeborn County is under a State of Emergency. Shelters open in Dodge County include the Fair Lutheran Church in Dodge Center. You're asked to bring your own blankets and pillows. You may bring your pet if it is brought in a kennel. Trinity Lutheran Church in Hayfield is open. You need to bring your own blankets and pillows. The Kasson Mantorville High School opens at 7pm. Bring your own blankets and pillows. Not pets allowed unless they are service animals. The old funeral home building west of the West Concord fire department is also providing emergency shelter.
With the large number of poles and lines down, it will take time to restore everyone's power.