Duluth Area Realtor Shares Hilarious Video Of Winter Sign Removal Struggle
Every job has its challenges, it only takes working regularly within the industry to recognize what they are. For example, in radio you're much more aware of preventing voice troubles. There are the days when you just can't seem seem to say a coherent sentence.
Then, when things like a pandemic hit, you have the added concern of sharing the same microphone with multiple people. While not earth shattering, they are concerns for those in the industry.
I bet you can think of several struggles you face in your line of work right now that others wouldn't even think about. It appears that such is the case when it comes to cold weather and being a Northland realtor.

We all know that cold weather in the Northland can wreak havoc on homes. There are ice dams, potential caulk cracking, snow accumulation on the roof, sidewalk and driveway issues, etc.
All of those are common issues that come into play for homeowners and for the realtors listing homes throughout the winter. But, one thing that would seem to be an issue shared exclusively by Northland real estate agents is the task of placing and removing 'For Sale' signs in the frozen ground.
One Duluth area agent decided to make a fun TikTok video that shows just how difficult this can be. Alicia Lokke has been through this struggle plenty of times and now we can all see what agents go through. Needless to say, a lot of people can relate to struggles on the job.
Perhaps there is a device other than hot water and muscle that could aid in this task? I guess the bottom line is if you see someone wrestling a yard sign during the winter, it's likely a realtor and I'm guessing they're saying some very colorful things.
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