Doing This One Thing For Your Pets When You’re Gone Is Costing You
I had a really busy weekend, and I'm the person that worries about her pets when she's gone. I think about them just sitting there, in a silent house, wondering what happened to their people. Is it stressful for them? Do they fear I may never come home? Are they okay? I always think my cats are more independent than my Dog Gloria. Mr. Bean and Pnuema (Pronounced New-Ma) have each other right?

Usually, I will feed them, clean their litter box, let Gloria out to relieve herself, and then proceed to turn the tv on for them. I turn the volume down pretty low, (to what I think an animal would like, as my human volume is probably a bit too loud if they had a choice). Then I try to find something that sounds like people are around...like a fishing show, or a documentary, usually about the outdoors, so they feel like someone is home. This weekend it was shark week, so they learned all about sharks.
Apparently, I'm not the only person that does something for their pets. According to creelighting.com, the cost of leaving on two lights, a ceiling fan, a tv, router and modem and wi-fi, and air conditioning costs about $75 on average, which equals about $900 a year! Seriously! This means that I could be spending $2000 a year or so on my pets, not counting the vet visits for annual checkups. Really, having pets these days is just as costly as having a human child. I'm not complaining too much though, because honestly, I think I save a lot of money not having to go to therapy sessions to calm me down after a busy week.
Do you do special things for your pets when they are home alone? Doggy Daycare? Tv? Radio? Share your thoughts by chatting with us on your station App.
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