COVID-19: ABC News/Mayo Study Finds Anti-Body Tests Are Flawed
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - A joint investigation between ABC News and Mayo Clinic has found some of the COVID-19 anti-body tests currently being offered shouldn't be trusted.
ABC News is reporting Mayo examined nine tests that rely on a finger prick and a drop of blood to check for coronavirus antibodies. ABC says four of the nine rapid tests failed to meet Mayo's standards for accuracy and performance.
It says one of them ”incorrectly displayed a positive result when researchers substituted a saline solution.” ABC News says antibody tests that use a larger sample of a patient's blood were better but not perfect.
The story says “a false positive makes someone think they have antibodies, and potential immunity when they don't.”
ABC News reports only a dozen of the current tests have earned the FDA's emergency authorization for use.
Mayo Clinic Dr. Williame Morice says anyone who wants to be tested should contact a doctor.
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