Candy Corn Already Considered Gross by Minnesotans, Now Even Worse
There has been a debate regarding candy corn. Is it the grossest Halloween/Fall candy? Circus Peanuts- I'm looking at you as a contender for that title. Anyway, some people think that candy corn is an absolutely no go as far as any edible candy.
We all know that it is that confection that is mostly sugar. We get that. It's got that candy "shellish" coating on it. And actually, that's where it goes wrong... like really wrong. That "shellac" if you will, is made out of.... bug secretion. Yes, BUG SECRETION!!!!
They don't call it that, of course, because ya know, gross. It's got a much more palatable name- "confectioners glaze" or "shellac". But- that's where it gets tricky. What exactly is "shellac"?
Oh, and by the way, candy corn isn't the only thing that is coated in the "bug juice". Jelly beans, extra shine on apples, some pills you may take and finger nail polish. But generally you aren't eating that last one, so big deal. But the other stuff. "EWWWW David!". (Good Schitt's Creek reference).
The FDA does consider the substance as safe, but I'm sticking with gross. Sometimes it's just better to not know. As long as I'm at it, there are some other Halloween ingredients to avoid.
Bottom line- read a label. And full disclosure, I do think that candy corn, or at least the Autumn Mix is very good mixed with some dry roasted peanuts. Try that. Maybe it will take your mind off of the "bug juice".
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