A Peaceful Protest Is Scheduled From 6-9PM October 31st, Kids Bring A Bucket
OK let me start this off as letting you know this is what I plan on doing, and this is entirely my opinion. I'm lucky that I am in a place that allows me to share my opinion, others aren't so lucky. On Saturday, October 31st, Halloween, I plan on handing out candy to any and all trick-or-treaters that come to our house. I'll wear gloves and a mask to put people at ease. I just think the kids need something normal to do.
In a recent post to a community 'happenings' page for Montgomery, the question was posed, who is participating in trick-or-treating on October 31st? Over 90 responses to the post indicated that parents were still planning on taking their children out to trick-or-treat. Now that might mean just in their immediate neighborhoods.
One commenter shared a photo that someone posted about a peaceful protest from 6-9pm for parents and children to partake in. I thought it was simply brilliant. Here is what that post said.
"Calling all parents! I will be holding a peaceful protest in my neighborhood on Saturday October 31st 2020 around 6pm, lasting until approximately 9pm. Your children are encouraged to come as well. I would suggest you put your child in a costume, as to disguise their identity. Costumes are optional for adults. We will walk around and protest the cancellation of Halloween. Please bring a bucket or bag, so the children can loot the neighborhood for some candy. Spread the word, and I'll see you at the protest."
Whether you decide to partake in Halloween by going out trick-or-treating in your neighborhood, a scavenger hunt for treats in your own home, or just carving/painting pumpkins please do what makes you feel safe and comfortable.
I for one am comfortable passing out candy to the neighborhood kids, well except for the peanut butter cups, those will be quarantined in my home 😉 😆.
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