As the temperature goes up, certain jobs become a little less desirable. I was picking up my car from Harland's Tire and Auto Center in Owatonna recently as a paint-striping vehicle motored by on Main Street. It occurred to me that the job of guy-hanging-off-the-back-of-truck-dropping-cones-onto-wet-paint was one I didn't want.

That got me thinking about my son. Through the years he has landed summer jobs that he mostly disliked. One year he was a parking lot attendant at the county fair. Hot and dirty summed up that experience. He served Tom Thumb mini donuts at the Steele County Fair one August. He did not want to come back the next year and may never eat a doughnut again.

He actually spent two summers painting meters for an electric company. He was his own boss of sorts, driving from spot to spot. All this may have fueled his ambition to get a computer science degree. He could end up with a desk job in his future.

My daughter spent many years as a camp counselor at Camp Pepin in Wisconsin. At least there she could jump into the lake to cool down. My younger brother took a job as a landscaping assistant many years ago. I swear he lasted just one day.

I spent some time in the food industry. Hot days near a hot pizza oven were not pleasant. A trip to the walk-in cooler helped out a bit.

What's a hot weather job you had, or maybe still have? How do you handle the heat? Tell us about it on our Facebook page.

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