5 Good Ways to Piss Off a Minnesotan
As Minnesotans, there are very few things in this world that tick us off, but when someone mentions something we don’t like, boy do we go off, leaving that Minnesota Nice high and dry. As a fellow Minnesotan, I can definitely say if someone brings these topics up, I will be furious!
Assume and state that Minneapolis and St. Paul are the same
This is a big no-no. I accept anyone under the age of 7 to mistake this, but other than that know which one is our state capital and which one is well, the other sibling. You know what they say, date Minneapolis, Mary St. Paul.
Claim Wisconsin has more lakes
Absolutely not. this state really thinks they can one-up us by claiming any body of water is a lake, no. Unlike them, in Minnesota, we do not claim ponds as lakes, we claim any body of water that is greater than 10 acres is a lake! So originally Wisconsin thinks they have over 15,000 lakes, but by Minnesota standard, they only have about 5,000.
Mention anything about the Packers… or just Wisconsin
In addition, if you even mention The Packers, or Wisconsin in general, I might just have to kick you out of my house. Look, we get it, The Packers have been to the Super 4 times, enough is enough! But hey that win against them this year was a beautiful sight to see as a Vikings fan! And we don’t need to give the cheese state any more time.
Don’t participate in a Minnesota Goodbye
When you visit a culture different than yours, it is kind and respectful to participate in some things they might do, whether it is a subculture or even a subculture within a subculture. We linger on foreshadowing a goodbye from the end of the meal to at least 3 more conversations between the table and the door. Then as I offer you leftovers for the 3rd time you finally accept, then we will have 1 or 2 more conversations as you open the door and get into your car. Anything less than this, you will be offending not only me, my home, my food, and my time, but our relationship as well.
Make fun of our accents
Bro, we get it, we have an accent. Yes, we may use long vowels in our language and even have phrases like “Yah, you Betcha” or “Uff Da” but it is what it is. And doesn’t everyone have an accent?
In summary, there are a few things that tick a Minnesotan off but here are some, so be wise and do not acknowledge these topics. All in all, this is all jokes, and no one is really offended currently (key word is currently. Hahaha just kidding… kind of). This post was inspired by the articles from onlyinyourstate.com and matadornetwork.com.
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