Here are another 10 reasons you know you are a farmer if they happen to you!

1. Sunday morning you got into to the house just in time to shower and get ready for church. As you are getting dressed your wife notices you still have grease and dirt under your fingernails. You don't have time to try and soak them clean so you find a fingernail clippers and cut your fingernails as short as possible.

2. You do not have to use saddle soap on your work boots to keep the leather soft. You spilled hydraulic and engine oil on them.

3. You were hungry, the rain was on the way so you ate the ham and cheese sandwich left in the cab from a couple days ago.

4. The bearing wears out on your combine so you head to your equipment dealer. You are relieved they have the one you need. After leaving the dealer you go to Wendy's drive through and order a couple of cheeseburgers to eat on the way back to the farm. Your hands are covered with grease from taking the combine apart and now your greasy finger prints are on the bun. You don't care; you eat the cheeseburger anyway.

5. You always wear the same seed corn cap even if it is dirty and stained with grease and sweat.

6. You are thirsty or need something to wash down the dry cheese sandwich so you drink the flat Diet Coke left in the tractor cab from last week.

7. When you get up in the morning you check the weather radar and the markets before going to the bathroom.

8. You were in such a hurry getting ready for church you ran out of the house and grabbed your favorite pliers and put it in your pocket.

9. You almost drive in the ditch when you notice your corn got hail.

10. The main topic of discussion at coffee after church is how to control giant rag weed and waterhemp.

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