June Holidays

Lisa’s Logic: Gaining A Second
Lisa’s Logic: Gaining A Second
Lisa’s Logic: Gaining A Second
Leap Year we learned has a significance that helps us not speed up our time. Just adding one day every four years helps our years be 365 or 366 with a Leap year. Well, it seems they, being scientists, add a leap second also. It is either June 30, which it is this year or Dec...
Lisa’s Logic: Yummy Fudge Day
Lisa’s Logic: Yummy Fudge Day
Lisa’s Logic: Yummy Fudge Day
Today is Fudge Day. Now there's a lot of fudge to pick from. My mom would make it at Christmas time every year. I made it for the first time a few years ago at Christmas time with my mom there. It was pretty easy following the directions on the jar and tasty...