May 11, 2015 | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Additional Information

In celebration of Mother’s Day, join River Bend Nature Center naturalists on Monday, May 11, from 5-6PM to learn all about animal moms. Humans are not the only ones that take steps to protect, feed and raise their young. The animal kingdom is full of moms that teach their babies how to find food and protect themselves. If the weather is nice we will go on a hunt to find locations of animal mothers getting ready to have their young. We will also look at real bird nests to see how these magnificent bird moms build them!

The cost of the animal moms program is $5 per person ($3 for River Bend members). Preregistration for this program is requested. To preregister, call (507) 332-7151 or visit before May 9.

For more information about River Bend Nature Center or their upcoming programs, visit them on the web at