It was great to see a nice crowd at Rice and Steele County Crops Day today. We had to set up more chairs in the back of the room after all the tables were full. Karen Anderson at the Rice and Steele County Extension office helped organize the event. Our goal was to pick topics and speakers that would be helpful and interesting to farmers. In other words, practical production issues corn and farmers are dealing with right now. Given the attendance I think it is safe to say we met our goal. Topics included the buffer law, soybean seed treatments and diseases, weed resistance, P and K fertilization with low prices and finally markets.

Special thanks go out to Troy and Carol from CashWise Foods in Owatonna for catering a great lunch, Karen Anderson for getting the speakers lined up, and our general sponsors: Agroconnor from Morristown, the Craig Keller Insurance Agency from Nerstrand, Nerstrand AgriCenter, Ag Star Financial Services and Genesis from Morristown.

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