The annual winter Crop Days sponsored by the University of Minnesota Southern Research and Outreach Center is this week at five locations. Wednesday it is in St. Charles in the Community Center. Thursday at two locations, Arlington in the Community Center and Lake Crystal at the Lake Sports Bar and Grill. Note the new location in Lake Crystal this year. Finally, Friday another two locations, the Events Center in Kasson and at the Southern Research and Outreach Center at Waseca. All the locations start with registration at 8:30AM and wrap up at 2 or 2:30PM. You do not have to preregister and the cost is $35, which covers lunch and handouts.

The topics are similar at each location but may vary just a bit depending on the location. That is what I really like about the annual Winter Crop Days, they always cover topics that farmers are dealing with in their local area. However, there are always topics that all farmers deal with such as weed resistance, soybean aphids or nutrient management. I was talking with Tom Hoverstad, who is a scientist at the Southern Research and Outreach Center, about what the major theme should be this year. Given the low corn and bean prices, how to do more with less! For more information go to the web site:

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