Today is August 1st, which means it’s a new month! This is a new time to start over and remember that we as humans deserve to have fun and enjoy our lives as they are! According to, August is Happiness Happens month, which is a time to remember what makes us happy and share that with others!

Photo by Lawrence Crayton on Unsplash
Photo by Lawrence Crayton on Unsplash

I know, especially in today’s world it can be hard. We have gone through so much in just the past couple of years, especially within the past couple of months and it can seem like there is always bad news surrounding us. But this month and today especially are a time to remember life is good and we are alive. According to “the holiday is based on the premise that happiness is unlimited and contagious, and that sharing your happiness can bring joy to other people’s lives.” The holiday was started by Pamela Gail Johnson who “founded the Secret Society of Happy People in 1999, with the first day of “Admit You’re Happy Day” on August 8th of 1999. Members felt that the happiness should last a bit longer, so in 2000, they expanded the celebration to include the entire month of August,” continues.

Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash
Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

I can personally get the overwhelming feeling of everything in this world and sometimes my life is sad and awful, but it’s important to remember that there is so much to be happy and grateful for and our happiness can affect our overall health and lifestyle. What has helped me the most is appreciating the little things. Thinking about the little things in my life that make me happy has helped in so many ways and soon I was able to share that happiness with others. By giving someone a compliment, helping someone out with a project they’re working on, offering advice, or even just sharing a moment with someone and listening to them. It’s these little things that can help us appreciate and understand happiness within ourselves and others.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

So today, I encourage you to either tell someone you appreciate them or just start with yourself and do something that puts a smile on your face!

Information on Happiness Happens Month is credited to this article here.

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