Weather-Related Announcements for Friday, January 15, 2021
Weather-related announcements and closings for Friday, January 15, 2021:
Alden Conger - Closed
Blooming Prairie Schools - closed
Cannon Falls - Closed No Programming & No Meal Pick-up
Divine Mercy Catholic School of Faribault - no school
Faribault Bethlehem Academy, grades 6-8 - no school
Faribault Bethlehem Academy, grades 9-12 - online class
Faribault Lutheran School - Closed
Faribault Public Schools - Meal Distribution at Jefferson and Kids World Child Care Closed
Goodhue Public Schools - Closed K-5 GOLD Plan 6-12 Distance Learning
Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton - K-12 Students Distance Learning No School PreK
Kasson Mantorville - Delayed 2 Hours
Kenyon-Wanamingo Schools - Closed Today no preschool Knights Kids Open 5-7pm
Medford Schools - Closed - Flex Learning Day
NRHEG buildings closed, flexible learning days for students and staff, activities are canceled, school-aged care program closed
Northfield Schools - delayed two hours
Owatonna Schools - Closed
Riverland Community College - closed
South Central College Faribault & North Mankato - No Classes/Activities Staff should report to work if able
Tri-City United Schools - closed
Waseca Schools - closed, Jay's Nest open for currently registered students
Zumbrota-Mazeppa No School PreK - 6 7-12 Distance Learning To End Semester
City announcements
City of Northfield Snow Emergency from 2 am on Friday, January 15 through 9 am on Sunday, January 17. No parking on any city street until the snow has stopped and the street is plowed curb to curb. Vehicles in violation face ticketing and towing.
Rice County Historical Society Closed