Watch This Navy Ship, USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Enter The Duluth Harbor!
In a video shared yesterday online by the Duluth Harbor Cam, you can watch one of the newest naval ships arrive for service in Duluth. The USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul, arrived ahead of its official commissioning this weekend to operate in the area "mostly near shore, combating asymmetric “anti-access” threats such as mines, quiet diesel submarines, and fast surface craft, while also being capable of open-ocean operation."
The website Stripes.com wrote about the arrival of the vessel and made an interesting point about the name of the ship. "This is the second ship named for the Twin Cities. The first was a Los Angeles-class attack submarine that served from 1984 to 2008. Two U.S. Navy ships have been named for Minneapolis and two for St. Paul."
The ship is designed for a core crew of 35-50 to operate, and a rotating crew of 75 when it is on a mission according to an online reference page. The motto of the ship is "Aut viam invenium aut faciam" which translates to (I Will Find a Way or Make One)
There is something special about seeing a ship that large navigate along the Duluth Harbor and under and around familiar objects and sites in the Duluth Harbor, including watching it float under the iconic lift bridge.
Bent Paddle Brewing, will be holding a special event tomorrow to commemorate the ship being commissioned. The brewery along with the Minnesota Navy League will be "unveiling a special beer to commemorate the commissioning of the USS Minneapolis Saint Paul." The beer is called Wayfinder Freedom North Star Pale Ale, and a special tapping event will be held beginning at 2 in the afternoon.