These Jobs in Minnesota Could Make You a Millionaire
Sure, it might take a little investing, but check out these jobs right here in Minnesota that could put your net worth into the seven figures category.
Now, I know what you're thinking-- a job that pays you in the millions probably isn't a realistic goal here in Minnesota. And, aside from being signed by an of Minnesota's professional sports teams like the Vikings, Twins, and Wild, you're probably right.
But GoBankingRates.com looked at the salary needed here in Minnesota to make you a millionaire-- over time, if you invest it correctly, that is. And if you have a job that pays you at least $65,000 here in Minnesota, your net worth could accumulate into the millions (again, if invested properly) in just... 47 years.
Which, as the survey notes, is above the national average. In fact, the site said, "The Land of 10,000 Lakes has a median household income of $65,599, which is almost $10,000 more than the national median. Given that information, it’s easy to see why it would take 14 years less in Minnesota to be a millionaire than the time it takes on average for the U.S. as a whole," it noted.
So what would be some of those jobs that'll pay you $65,000 here in the Bold North? Well, Indeed.com says job like: a real estate agent, an IRS officer, an Olmsted County probation agent, or a communications/engagement coordinator for the city of Rochester are just some of jobs that could do the trick. (You can see more jobs HERE.)
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