Rochester Area Economy Set New Jobs Record in AprilRochester Area Economy Set New Jobs Record in AprilThe unemployment rate also dropped back below 2%.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Sexual Assault Charge Against Former Rochester Woman DismissedSexual Assault Charge Against Former Rochester Woman DismissedProsecutors decided there is insufficient evidence to prove the allegations beyond a reasonable doubt.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Grand Jury Upgrades Charges in Rochester Christmas Murder CaseGrand Jury Upgrades Charges in Rochester Christmas Murder CaseBush was convicted of murdering a Rochester man in 2006.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester Man Accused of Assaulting Transgender Hospital WorkerRochester Man Accused of Assaulting Transgender Hospital WorkerThe alleged assault happened at a Rochester hospital on the evening of Dec. 14.TJ LeverentzTJ Leverentz
Charges Filed in Rochester Crash That Injured Four People Charges Filed in Rochester Crash That Injured Four People One woman was taken to the ER at St. Mary's Hospital. TJ LeverentzTJ Leverentz
Charges Against Rochester Treatment Center Employee DismissedCharges Against Rochester Treatment Center Employee DismissedThe 44-year-old woman had been accused of sexually assaulting two male clients.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Charges Filed as Rochester Stabbing Investigation ContinuesCharges Filed as Rochester Stabbing Investigation ContinuesThe report of threatening calls came two days after officers responded to a stabbing that involved the recipient of the calls. TJ LeverentzTJ Leverentz
New Date Scheduled For Rochester Man’s Second Murder TrialNew Date Scheduled For Rochester Man’s Second Murder TrialThe first trial ended without a verdict.Kim DavidKim David
New Trial For Rochester Murder SuspectNew Trial For Rochester Murder SuspectThe jury in his first trial could not reach a decision.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester Man Reaches Plea Deal In Extensive Child Porn CaseRochester Man Reaches Plea Deal In Extensive Child Porn CaseHe was facing 60 charges in Olmsted County.Kim DavidKim David