MN Governors Release Video to Promote Voting, Civility
ST. PAUL – With less than a week before Election Day, a group of Minnesota governors have reached across party lines to remind Minnesotans to do their civic duty with “civility and decency.”
In the public service announcement, the group encourages Minnesotans to vote, expresses confidence in the state’s voting system, and explains why results might not be final on Election Night.
Over 1.2 million Minnesotans had already cast their ballots by the end of last week.
Below is the transcript of the full-length PSA.
PAWLENTY: Minnesotans.
DAYTON: Minnesotans.
WALZ: Minnesotans.
VENTURA: Minnesotans.
PAWLENTY: We’ve all had the privilege of serving as Governor of this great state.
DAYTON: While we may not agree on every issue…
VENTURA: We all agree that this election is the most important election of our lifetime.
WALZ: Minnesotans are proud to have the highest voter turnout in the nation.
PAWLENTY: And we expect this year to be no different.
DAYTON: So make your voice heard, and vote.
WALZ: Vote.
VENTURA: Go vote.
PAWLENTY: Our state is proud to have one of the safest and secure election systems in the whole country.
DAYTON: You can have faith that your vote will be counted.
WALZ: With so many of us voting by mail, it may take a little longer to verify a winner.
PAWLENTY: And that’s okay. It’s by design.
VENTURA: A delay just means that our system is working, and that we’re counting every single ballot.
DAYTON: There may not be a clear winner on election night.
PAWLENTY: But no matter who wins, let’s demonstrate the civility and decency that Minnesotans are known for.
WALZ: There is so much more that unites us rather than divides us.
VENTURA: Let’s show the country there is a better way.