Will Minnesotans Make The Cut for this New Dating App?
Full Disclosure, my wife and I have been married for 26 years and together for 27, so I’m one of the last people that should probably be discussing dating apps.

But I saw a news story about one this week that made me stop and say, “Really?”
To be on this dating app, you must have a credit score of 675 or higher. According to the spectrum where scores are ranked, 675 is what is classified as “Good”.
The creators of “Score” say that the clients won’t be able to see one another’s credit score, they’ll just know that they are at least 675. One of the main reasons this app is taking this approach they say is, so the topic of financial wellness is brought to the forefront of the relationship.
As someone who has never had a ton of money, I have questions about this whole process. And the first one is, does this company checking your score affect your credit report? I know from a brief time working with a loan company that each time your report is sought out for credit certification, it can reduce your credit score.
The company says that will not be the case with this app, so potential clients should not have hesitation about using their service because of that.
Another question I had was will couples be paired together by their scores, and the answer to that is no. Someone with a higher score could be matched with someone who barely meets the grade.
“Score” is operated by a company called “Neon Money Club” which is ran by a group of younger adults whose slogan is “we are intentional where we spend our time, money and energy. We don’t just buy things; we invest in experiences and vibes”.
The group says that if someone doesn’t meet the credit requirements, they will help them with material on finding ways to improve their credit scores.
I think that financial awareness is probably not a bad thing in a relationship, where I could see this being an issue is that money would be the basis of what the clients feel a relationship should be based on.
We’ve all heard stories of people who say they didn’t realize their new husband or wife was bringing such bad credit, or heavy debt into the marriage until it was too late. And financial issues are one of the leading causes of issues in marriages, so I’m not saying the topic should be ignored. This just seems superficial to me.
Maybe it’s that I’ve been off the market and out of the scene too long, but I’m not sure that that this is an app I would consider. My guess is that it will be popular, especially out of the gate. How long will it be around, that remains to be scene.
And are they really talking about your credit rating with the name of the app, or something else?
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