Remember When PETA Wanted Ham Lake, MN to Change It’s Name?
Yep, People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) once asked the City of Ham Lake, Minnesota to change its name to Yam Lake. PETA said that the new name would be more 'pig-friendly,'
The city in Anoka County is named after the lake that reminded early settlers of the shape of a ham, but PETA says it also resembles a yam.
At the time in a press release, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said:
Pigs are smart, sensitive, wonderful individuals, so if we have a heart, we’ll leave their legs alone and choose yams over hams. PETA envisions a new ‘Yam Lake’ that promotes kindness and healthy eating.
PETA also suggested that the group would be willing to pay for the replacement of the city's current Ham Lake signs. Ham (Yam) lake has a population of 17,081 according to the 2020 U.S. census.

In a letter to Ham Lake mayor Mike Van Kirk, PETA's president said:
By renaming the town, you would seize a great opportunity to demonstrate how easy it is to change with the times. Thank you for your consideration. I yam looking forward to hearing from you.
What other cities and towns in Minnesota would also need a name change following PETA's thinking? White Bear Lake? Buffalo? Falcon Heights? Moose Lake?
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