This Is Now the Ugliest Building in Minnesota
Many buildings across the North Star State are stunning architectural masterpieces, but there's one structure that's been named the Ugliest Building in Minnesota.
Minnesota may be known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes, but don't go to sleep on some of the way-cool modern and classically designed buildings that also call Minnesota home. Now, I'm no architect, mind you, but I'm pretty sure you can find some impressive buildings all over our fair state.
Here's one: Mayo Clinic's own Plummer Building in Rochester SHOULD have been in the running for the Most Iconic Building in Minnesota. I mean, it's been proudly standing since 1928, and was once even the tallest building in the entire Land of 10,000 Lakes. (BTW, HERE is what Architectural Digest says IS Minnesota's Most Iconic Building.)
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But when it comes to the Ugliest Building in Minnesota? I wasn't sure, but the crew over at ThisVsThat sure are-- in fact, they ranked the Ugliest Buildings in all 50 States. And here in Minnesota, that honor goes to The Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis.
It's located on the campus of the University of Minnesota, where it's known simply as the Weisman Art Museum. The museum itself has been around for many years but moved into its current location along the Mississippi River back in 2011. Here's how the Ugliest Building survey summed up the unique-looking structure:
What is it with art museums being some of the ugliest buildings in existence? Considering what they house, you’d think they would go for, oh, I don’t know, a beautiful look. This aluminum foil monstrosity looks like something a five-year-old would design.
The U of M says internationally renowned architect Frank Gehry designed the building which excels in its 'role as a cultural resource for the University, students, Minnesota, and the state’s many visitors.' I'm just guessing that most Minnesotans wouldn't necessarily call the Weisman 'ugly,' though. It's different, sure, and is one that definitely stands out. But is it ugly? Maybe the survey proves the old adage about 'beauty being in the eye of the beholder.'

And while the Weisman's design might not be what you'd have in mind if you were updating your home, there is ONE home that hasn't been updated... at all. Keep scrolling to check out this Minnesota house that hasn't changed at all since the 70s!
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