Popular Breakfast Foods Could Be Impacted by Bird Flu
Put down that fork! The bird flu is back and it's not just affecting the birds. Dairy farmers in Minnesota are on edge as more states report infected cows. The looming question: will Minnesota be next on the list of confirmed cases? And what this all means for our food.
According to Joe Armstrong, a veterinarian and cattle production systems educator with the University of Minnesota Extension, “I would be surprised if avian flu is NOT here already.” Source: KSTP.
Armstrong also mentioned in the KSTP interview that, so far, the infected cows in other states are not dying from bird flu, but they are getting sick for days at a time.
Ok, so we can be grateful that the animals are doing ok, but can we catch the bird flu and what does that mean for our food?
Well, if you're a runny yolk fan, you're not going to like this news. Unless you can be happy with them prepared a different way. Also, you might need to temporarily join the well-done steak fan club. Don't shoot the messenger.

The CDC says that "the human health risk to the U.S. public is considered to be low." No eggs have been recalled at this time, and the USDA says "it cannot be transmitted through safely handled and properly cooked eggs."
Also See: America's Worst Peanut Butter Brand is Sold in Minnesota.
You read that correctly, PROPERLY cooked eggs. That means, raw eggs and undercooked (sunny side up and runny yolk) eggs are a no-go right now. You can read more about how to properly cook and handle eggs here.
As for meat, the USDA is saying similar things, it's considered safe at this time, but should be cooked to a safe internal temperature that kills bacteria and viruses, like influenza, in meat.
And milk? According the USDA, "based on the information and research available at this time, a milk recall is not necessary. Because products are pasteurized before entering the market, there is no concern about the safety of the commercial milk supply, or that this circumstance poses a risk to consumer health. Pasteurization has continuously proven to inactivate bacteria and viruses, like influenza, in milk."
PSA: This is likely going to have a negative impact on farmers in our area. Reach out to your local farmers for additional ways to show your support.
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