To The Couples Affected By The Isanti Wedding Venue…I’m Sorry
This morning we learned about a wedding venue in Isanti that suddenly closed Sunday night. The sudden closing has thrust dozens of couples into the proverbial cold, in some cases just days away from their scheduled big day. If your future wedding is affected I want you to know something.
Dear soon-to-be-married individual,
I just heard that your wedding venue, Circle B Wedding and Events, in Isanti, has closed its doors to you and your guests. I'm sorry to hear that, and honestly, you should know that this horrible news doesn't reflect on you or your relationship.
I know that when my wife and I were preparing to get married, 7 years ago next week, one of the biggest decisions we had to make as a young couple was picking a venue to celebrate our union. We must have visited 15 or 20 places, and when we finally found the one, we knew it.

Except in your case that dream was pulled out from underneath you like a rug.
You are stronger than this moment.
Hopefully, years from now, when you've had time to digest the news, and you've celebrated your wedding, you'll look back on this time and smile reflecting on how you and your future spouse reacted to this news.
On behalf of Kelly and I, we want to wish you a long and happy marriage, no matter where or when you are getting married, what important is you don't let this moment set you back.
P.S. I asked around the office today and if you are looking for a new venue the folks out at Molitor's Quarry Grill and Bar, and Events Center have reached out to us to let you know they have some dates still available and would like to help if they can.
Also, as this is a civil matter at this point, you might want to also reach out to the State Attorney General's Office and file a complaint or find a lawyer about any possible legal action you are entitled to.
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