This Invasive Plant Was In The Grass Seed For My Yard In Wisconsin
The City of Superior recently put a sidewalk in on our street. It's kind of funny, because we haven't ever had one, and the sidewalk ended a couple of houses down. Why did they decide to get to it now? I guess I'll never know. Maybe it's because the property values have gone up in the area with the ridiculous housing shortage in the Twin Ports.
Houses on our block have been selling for more than 100,000 dollars more than they did just 10 years ago, even with higher interest rates. So maybe that's why they put the sidewalk in.

As part of putting the sidewalk in, first, they dug a wide trench. Then they put up the concrete forms. One day I came home to freshly poured concrete. On the sides were leftover topsoil, which they came back to seed at some point.
I expected to see grass grow in, but instead, I saw these vines or weeds coming out. It reminded me of that Geico commercial where they have invasive weeds.
I'm not an expert when it comes to plants, weeds, or really anything that grows. So I did a Google image search and found that this is actually called Lady's Thumb. It's a wildflower in Minnesota, but it originally was an invasive species that started here in the Great Lakes Region. It then spread across most of North America.
Sure, it's not a big deal, but there is absolutely no grass in this grass seed. It looks like I'm going to have to go buy some of my own and tear out these weeds.