Minnesota Department of Justice Warns About Fake ‘Face Mask Exempt’ Cards

Minneapolis (KROC AM News) - Can you be exempt from wearing a COVID-19 face mask where they are required?
The issue was dealt with this week by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Minnesota.
The office became aware of bogus “exempt” cards that were being publicized throughout the country. The information implied they were connected to and approved by the Justice Dept.
That led to this response from U.S. Attorney Erica H. MacDonald, who heads the Minnesota office:
“Be aware of fraudulent postings, cards, or flyers on the internet regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the use of face masks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of which include the United States Department of Justice’s seal.”
MacDonald emphasized these so-called exempt cards are not authorized by the Department of Justice:
“These postings, cards, and flyers were not issued by the Department of Justice and are not endorsed by the Department. The Department also has not granted permission for the use of its seal for this purpose. Misuse of the Department seal is a federal crime.”
MacDonald urges the public not to rely on the information contained in these postings and flyers.
Employees at Minnesota restaurants and some other businesses are currently required to wear face coverings. Customers of some businesses face the same requirement.
Mayo Clinic continues to require all patients, visitors and staff to “ wear a mask to decrease the risk of COVID-19 exposure.”
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