Explore the Color Palettes of Your Favorite Movies
Do you have a favorite movie and want to show that to the world? Do you want a cool lock screen or wall décor of your favorite movie but don’t like what’s out there? Well, you need to check out The Colors of Motion website!
The Colors of Motion website is so cool because you can see the color palette of a whole movie. Each print contains lines of color. The website explains that “starting at the top and ending at the bottom, each horizontal line is the average color of a single frame from the movie.” How cool is that? Not only does it capture the color of each frame in a movie but that means when looking at it, you are seeing the movie as a whole and what the movie truly looks and feels like.
The website does note that they have two variations of designs:
The first variation takes the movie's colors and fills the frame with concentric circles, from start (top left) to the end (bottom right). We love the way this creates depth and texture.
The second variation keeps the top to bottom stacking of lines of color, but here, we expand and contract the lines' widths based on the luminosity of the scene (light = wide, dark = narrow) this emphasizes the sequencing of light and dark scenes and gives the poster a certain three-dimensionality, which we highlight by using a black background.
When trying to figure out what movies I wanted to look for, my mind came to an absolute blank. Because we are in spooky season, I did think of my favorite spooky movie which is Scream (it might actually be a favorite in general) but unfortunately, they did not have the print for that movie.
After digging through the list, I saw Gone Girl and Immediately clicked on it (cause duh! That movie is awesome)! And of course, it was just as beautiful as the movie with all the hues of blues, greens, and browns.
You can search anything by title, director, genre, and year! Once you search options will come up, and then by clicking on the print you want you are then able to see the buying options. While the prices are a bit high, it might be worth it because this is such amazing work.
all information is credit to thecolorsofmotion.com.
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