Everyone Should Take This Class In School
We have heard about "adulting classes" that are being offered throughout the country, and they are a great idea. Did you know that most school districts already offer something like this already? Back when I was in school, which was a loooonnngg time ago, it was called Home Economics.
Way back when we learned how to sew a pillow, using a sewing machine, we learned the "proper" way to wash dishes by hand, pots and pans are always last and never mix glass with anything else in the sink. Not really rules I follow anymore, other than pots and pans getting washed last. We also learned how to do some basic cooking and baking. Nowadays the class is called FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) and they do more than just sew a pillow and make cookies. They do learn about sewing and cooking, but, they also have a unit about babysitting and other life skills.
My daughter took FACS in her 7th-grade year, so this year she got to take a Foods Class. This class expands on the skills learned and they have several cooking labs where they aren't just baking cookies. She has made quesadillas, smoothies, muffins, and soon they are having the spaghetti challenge. As part of the class, if she missed a lab day, then she needed to prepare food at home. And, there was an assignment that everyone needed to complete at home.
That day was the National Family & Consumer Sciences Day of "Dining In" which her teacher had the second-semester students celebrate in May. The assignment was to prepare a meal and serve it to the family to eat together and then take pictures. Oh, I can get behind this 100%. My teen cooking and serving the meal? Heck yeah! That should be a weekly occurrence. Every pre-teen and teen needs to take this kind of class. I know families are busy, but, it is so important to learn cooking skills, as well as connecting with each other as much as possible.
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