Donations Through GiveMN Up 10 Times Over Last Year
UNDATED -- People have been donating to their favorite causes in record numbers this year on the website GiveMN.org.
Executive Director Jake Blomberg says giving activity on their site is more than 10 times the amount they saw through the same period last year.
Nearly $20 million has been donated to more than 3,000 organizations during that time, in particular organizations that are directly responding to the pandemic as well as systemic racism.
Meanwhile, non-profit organizations have had to cancel most of their annual fundraising events from 5Ks to spaghetti feeds, due to restrictions on in-person gatherings during COVID-19. However, the causes they support still need funding.
He says they've been offering teams of coaches to work with non-profits to help them transition to new ways of raising money.
Where on a Zoom call we would connect with an organization for 30 to 45 minutes to help them think through how to adapt their fundraising practices during this really unique time, and worked with hundreds of organizations during that time to coach them through that moment.
GiveMN's annual "Give to the Max" day is coming up on November 19th. In 2019 they raised $21.6 million during Give to the Max Day.