Are Those Aliens? No, Says Wisconsin Sheriff. Stop Calling Us
Don't worry, the Wisconsin Sheriff says, they're not UFO's. Well, he doesn't come right out and say that, but that's what he means.
On Facebook the Outagamie County Sheriff's Office posted this message -
e have seen a lot of questions about the long strings of lights appearing in the night sky lately. These lights are satellites, and are part of a new internet service called, Starlink. Starlink provides internet to rural and typically hard to service areas.
There is no concern to the publics safety and we ask that you please do not call the Outagamie County Communications Center - 911 about them.
You can track the path and number of satellites here:
Keep scrolling for awesome video of the not-aliens and a kid that says yes they are.
On the other hand...maybe they ARE visitors from another world...listen closely to what's being said.
When I asked Jess Zemke for permission to share the video (thank you so much Jess!), I also had to ask about something I thought I heard being said in the background...
James - Did I hear someone say they don't care what anyone says, they believe it's aliens?
Jess - Yes one of the kids definitely said that
James - NICE!
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know:
Speaking of UFO's...yet ANOTHER thing my mother wouldn't buy me. (lol)
Franco-American UFO Pasta 1983 Commercial
And some people don't like Elon Musk, so...