Almost A/C Season
It is getting warmer outside and we are finally done with what seemed like a never-ending Winter. We have not had the really tropical humidity, or the highs in the upper 80's or lower 90's just yet, and I am ever so grateful for that. I still want to see Spring weather before we get to the summer tropics.
This got me to thinking about air conditioning lately, it has been warm out, and I have heard the hum of central air units around my neighborhood, and around town. I have not used my A/C yet, but, I don't have central air either, we have a nice window unit that works great. We rent the bottom half of a duplex, so really, it does not get that warm downstairs, unless it has been really warm outside for a few days in a row.
I guess we are fortunate, we don't have any health conditions that say we need to have the air going, and the ceiling fans with the dehumidifier are good enough for this time of year. My breaking point is when it gets to be at least 80 in my house, for at least 3 days, and the humidity has to be high. A/C can get expensive, and I love to save a buck, but, not at the expense of my sleeping comfort.
What is your breaking point for turning on the A/C, or have you already done so? From the looks of the long-range forecast, we might be needing it this summer, a lot.