7 Tips Minnesotans Can Use to Never Forget Someone’s Name Again

A new survey says that the thing that embarrasses people the most is forgetting people's names. According to theladders.com, the survey was done by "OnePoll on behalf of Natrol’s new Cognium Focus in advance of National I Forgot Day on July 2."
2,000 Americans were surveyed and they were all 35 or older. 32 percent of those surveyed responded that forgetting someone's name is the most embarrassing memory lapse. Even more embarrassing than forgetting a birthday or anniversary!
I struggle with remembering people's names, I think that's a pretty common thing people forget when you first meet someone. But there are some people that are super good at remembering people's names! I believe this comes with practice though and I found some tips to help us forgetful people to remember other's names.
CNBC spoke with Chester Santos. Chester is "'The International Man of Memory',��an award-winning international speaker, U.S. memory champion and author of 'Instant Memory Training for Success'". He says that when we forget someone's name it can come across to that person that you don't think they're important enough to even remember their name. That's not good!
Here are 7 tips from CNBC's interview with Chester to help remember other people's names:
DON'T FORGET: 7 Tips to Never Forget Someone's Name Again
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