30 Items Visitors Should Get as a Gift When They Fly to Minnesota
You know how people visiting Hawaii get a necklace of flowers when they get off of a plane? Well, if Minnesota started giving its visitors that fly into MSP a gift, what should that treasured item of thanks be? I asked that question on social media and on-air and received over 600 responses to that little question. Some of the responses are really funny...and honestly, pretty accurate. Look through the list below and see how many you would give a thumbs up to.
List of 30 gifts the state of Minnesota should give to visitors when they walk off the plane at MSP.
FYI...not everyone showcased their best "Minnesota Nice" as they were commenting.
Not everyone was showcasing their Minnesota Nice as they were commenting on our Facebook page. If that was you...be a better human. I did weed out a lot of the super nasty and hate-filled comments but you can see a few of the others that are worthy of your 👍 below.

Wanna be my friend?! Pretty please.😁
Winter is here and in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and anywhere else with snow, that means we will soon be hibernating. If you are scrolling through your phone and looking for someone to chat with, or even know when others in Rochester are getting together to meet up, I'd love to connect! Just in case you want to be my friend too...here are a few places to find me:
Wanna know who those celebrities were that have visited Mayo Clinic?
We've had a huge list of celebrities show up in Rochester, Minnesota because of Mayo Clinic. They aren't all willing to talk but below are a few that were in town for medical care throughout the years.
12 Celebrities Who Have Been Patients at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
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