Here Are The Details For This Year’s Boo At The Zoo In DuluthHere Are The Details For This Year’s Boo At The Zoo In DuluthThere is a lot fun scheduled so why not save all 3 dates?!David DrewDavid Drew
Lake Superior Zoo Announces Loss Of Beloved AnimalLake Superior Zoo Announces Loss Of Beloved AnimalStaff wrote a sweet message to the red panda, who passed away just a few days ago.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Lake Superior Zoo Gets New Additions From San Diego ZooLake Superior Zoo Gets New Additions From San Diego ZooThe Lake Superior Zoo in Duluth just added some new animals to their zoo family, and they are SO cute.Tony HartTony Hart
Minnesota Zoo Now Offers A “Feed The Animals” TourMinnesota Zoo Now Offers A “Feed The Animals” TourNot just the barnyard ones, bears and pandas too!Joe DangerJoe Danger
Lake Superior Zoo Eggstravaganza Event Back This MonthLake Superior Zoo Eggstravaganza Event Back This MonthAnother great sign that spring is near.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Boo At The Zoo Back At Lake Superior Zoo This OctoberBoo At The Zoo Back At Lake Superior Zoo This OctoberThe event is back for three dates this year - plus, they are adding a fun craft fair!Lauren WellsLauren Wells
The Lake Superior Zoo Is Planning To Open A Red Panda Exhibit Next YearThe Lake Superior Zoo Is Planning To Open A Red Panda Exhibit Next YearThe Lake Superior Zoo is planning on adding some adorable animals to it's roster next year, The Red Panda.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan
Critically Endangered Primate Baby Was Born At Lake Superior ZooCritically Endangered Primate Baby Was Born At Lake Superior ZooThe Lake Superior Zoo is ecstatic to announce the birth of a new baby who is a critically endangered primate.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan
Zoo Ecstatic With Birth Of A MonkeyZoo Ecstatic With Birth Of A MonkeyThe zoo is ecstatic with the second baby Angolan Colobus monkey to be born to mom Kero at the zoo.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan
Lily The Lion Has Passed Away At Lake Superior Zoo In Duluth Lily The Lion Has Passed Away At Lake Superior Zoo In Duluth Another tragic loss has happened at Lake Superior Zoo with the sudden loss of Lily the lion.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan