A Big Change Is Now Happening at McDonald's in MinnesotaA Big Change Is Now Happening at McDonald's in MinnesotaA major change is taking place at McDonald's restaurants across the country, and may have already happened here in Minnesota.Curt St. JohnCurt St. John
Minnesota Man Passes Out In Drive-Thru, Waiting On Curly FriesMinnesota Man Passes Out In Drive-Thru, Waiting On Curly FriesHere we go another story of someone drinking and driving, this time they got busted in a drive-thru.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan
Dinosaurs Drive-Thru Dates Have Been Extended At Mall Of America Dinosaurs Drive-Thru Dates Have Been Extended At Mall Of America Go back in time as dinosaurs have taken over one of the parking lots at the Mall of America.Jeanne RyanJeanne Ryan
Drive-Thru Ice and Snow Show Coming to MN State FairgroundsDrive-Thru Ice and Snow Show Coming to MN State FairgroundsThe St. Paul Winter Carnival for 2021 is the latest victim of COVID-19 changes, but they aren't letting the event not happen.AbbeyAbbey
Minnesota Haunted Attraction Announces Drive-Thru Scare For 2020Minnesota Haunted Attraction Announces Drive-Thru Scare For 2020It looks like Halloween fun will not be cancelled amid the pandemic.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
MN State Fairgrounds to be Turned Into Jurassic ParkMN State Fairgrounds to be Turned Into Jurassic ParkThe dinosaur drive-thru is available for just two weekends starting July 31 through August 9.AdamAdam