Popular Capri Sun Kids Drink Under Fire in Class Action LawsuitPopular Capri Sun Kids Drink Under Fire in Class Action LawsuitThe lawsuit questions what's in the drink and how it is marketed to potential customers. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Jury Duty Scam Reported In DuluthJury Duty Scam Reported In DuluthThe Minnesota Judicial Branch has issued a warning after a Duluthian called in to report this scam.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
These State Jobs Pay Over $200K And Are Open Now In MNThese State Jobs Pay Over $200K And Are Open Now In MNIf you're looking for a new job here in the new year, these two state jobs are open right now in Minnesota, and they both pay over $200,000 a year!Curt St. JohnCurt St. John
Minnesota Law Enforcement Groups Are Suing Gov Walz And StateMinnesota Law Enforcement Groups Are Suing Gov Walz And StateThey are concerned about changes made to the state's "use of force" statute.Kim DavidKim David