
Free Gifts on Your Birthday
Free Gifts on Your Birthday
Free Gifts on Your Birthday
I look forward to my birthday each year. Despite the fact that each year I get another year older, I still enjoy the time with my family enjoying some cake and opening a few presents. My birthday is still a month off, but if you're celebrating a birthday soon you might want to take advantage of an interesting website I recently stumbled across called RearFront...
Lisa’s Logic: Happy Birthday George
Lisa’s Logic: Happy Birthday George
Lisa’s Logic: Happy Birthday George
Kitty cat George in 12. Like most of us some days he feels it and then sometimes he doesn't. Remember being a cat he is 64. They now say 10 for the first year, 15 for the second and four after that. George has been "forced" to get along with a couple of younger "siblings" that we have brought in...
Happy birthday Zeke
Happy birthday Zeke
Happy birthday Zeke
Well, really that's just an estimate. We brought him in as a stray in August and the vet tech said between 6 and 8 months. So for some reason I thought January would be a good time to celebrate. Why not? No, we don't have a party or anything...