Fighter Pilots Wanted! You Can Apply To Fly A F-16 In MinnesotaFighter Pilots Wanted! You Can Apply To Fly A F-16 In MinnesotaHow does someone become a fighter pilot? Here's one way. You can apply to become an F-16 pilot, but the deadline is approaching.Ken HayesKen Hayes
Increased Military Aircraft Activity Happening Now Over 22 Wisconsin CountiesIncreased Military Aircraft Activity Happening Now Over 22 Wisconsin CountiesFighter wings from across the country are flying over parts of Wisconsin and residents could even hear sonic booms.Ken HayesKen Hayes
Fighter Jet You Don’t Normally See In Minnesota Spotted Over DuluthFighter Jet You Don’t Normally See In Minnesota Spotted Over DuluthWhy were foreign pilots flying a state of the art jet over Duluth?Ken HayesKen Hayes
Practical Explanation For Loud Noises Heard In Minnesota, Wisconsin + MichiganPractical Explanation For Loud Noises Heard In Minnesota, Wisconsin + MichiganDon't be alarmed if you hear loud rumblings in the night sky this week, they're for a good reason.David DrewDavid Drew
People Claim To See Unusual Flying Objects Over Northern Minnesota + WisconsinPeople Claim To See Unusual Flying Objects Over Northern Minnesota + WisconsinMost people haven't seen anything like it. What's the story and why are they hear? Here's what we know.Ken HayesKen Hayes
First Shot Missed On 148th Fighter Takedown Of UAP Over Great LakesFirst Shot Missed On 148th Fighter Takedown Of UAP Over Great LakesThe 148th responded to an aerial threat over Lake Huron, shooting down the object. Military officials provided a few details on the strike, including the fact that the first missile fired missed.Ken HayesKen Hayes