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While we're generally a happy lot here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, there are just certain questions that will make even the most self-assured Minnesotan a little uncomfortable when getting together this holiday season.

Perhaps it's our conservative, buttoned-up Midwestern roots, but gosh darn it, we sometimes do get a little embarrassed here in the North Star State by something someone says, right? Or maybe, something somebody asks. And chances are, you might be getting together this holiday season with family you haven't seen in a while, which can bring a fresh set of awkward questions!

In other parts of the country (looking at you New York and the East Coast), family and friends fire off these kinds of questions without thinking twice. But here in the Gopher State, our 'Minnesota Nice' may make us clam up or try to politely change the subject when some of these questions are asked by Aunt Martha or Uncle Hank or just friends you haven't seen since last Thanksgiving or Christmas.

READ MORE: This Is The Least Sexy Thing About Being From Minnesota

And they never seem to have any idea that what they're asking is making not only YOU mortified-- but everybody else within earshot, as well, right? So, without further ado, we present... 10 Questions Guaranteed To Make Minnesotans Squirm During the Holidays!

Plus, keep scrolling to check out another phenomenon known to us here in Minnesota (and across most of the upper Midwest) that will no doubt be on display as you get together with family and friends this holiday season: The 9 Official Stages of the Minnesota Goodbye! 

10 Questions Guaranteed To Make Minnsotans Squirm

While we're generally a happy lot here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, there are just certain questions that will make even the most self-assured Minnesotan a little uncomfortable. Here are 10 of them that will definitely make even the hardiest native of the North Star State squirm.

Gallery Credit: Curt St. John

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The 9 Stages of 'The Minnesota Goodbye'